One Small Step Introduces

A modern software solution for Engravers

Carpathia Graphic Interface is providing unique solutions for businesses, by streamlining the entire process. It is the only Engraving and Sublimation software with a modular design making it a good fit for where you are, AND where you want to go.

Opening Xenetech files and running a Xenetech laser directly from Carpathia

Businesses like yours, with similar needs have successfully used Carpathia to reduce layout time, and machine run times, increasing productivity and profitability. This is possible because we know what features are important - really important. Before we get into the details, take a moment to understand One Small Step’s philosophy and commitment to your success.

The way you run your business is a logical conclusion of the decisions you’ve made, based on the values you have.

One Small Step is different

The founders of One Small Step each have worked almost 20 years in the engraving and personalization industry. 


One Small Step is a privately owned company NOT funded by venture capital, which allows us to focus on our long - term objectives, not short - term investor returns.


One Small Step has developed Carpathia Graphic Interface, using a modular structure, focusing on a fair and reasonable pricing structure.


One Small Step has in house phone support available for free to all customers.

The differences keep on multiplying

We painstakingly focus on efficiency


Have you experienced the frustration of using one of our competitors software to create nameplates, or mass duplicates?


When software fails to provide a logical simple solution it costs you time. We do not take this problem lightly. Lost time cost you money and is prohibitive to company growth, so we focus on reducing every click of the mouse or press of a button.

We do not believe in one size fits all


Carpathia is divided into modules allowing you to customize the software to fit your needs.


We strive to maintain simplicity, while also keeping cost down by not forcing features that your business does not need. You can later add features at your own pace.

We provide comprehensive, helpful, timely support


There is a big difference between good support and bad support. Often calls to tech support create only more frustration. 

Great support is not about providing a quick answer and moving on to the next customer. We have real knowledgeable people in our Louisiana and Texas offices that are ready to help.

We are dedicated to supporting your success, not just our software, and there is no other software provider that takes this a seriously as we do.

We also are working to provide the best documentation and tutorial videos.

Do not fall into the trap of making do.


It is easy to fall into the rut of making do with the wrong tool, just to realize later how much frustration and wasted time could have been avoided.


Using the wrong tool for a job not only wastes time but also creates more opportunities for mistakes, compounding the waste.

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